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Episode 37: BSL w/ Justice for Bullies

advocacy bsl with guest Mar 23, 2021

Do you know what BSL is? 

Do you know how it negatively effects communities?

Chantelle Mackney is the founder and president of Justice for Bullies, a non profit encouraging responsible dog ownership and breed neutral bylaws. 

In this episode we talk about:

-What BSL is

-BSL history

-Why BSL is harmful

-How to get involved in your community

-How BSL leads people to believe their dogs need a heavy hand

-How Chantelle got involved in BSL work





Breed specific legislation (BSL) is an attempt by legislators to reduce dog bites by targeting specific types of dogs.

Often, BSL is implemented as a reaction to one or two recent and highly publicized serious attacks in the area.  Politicians feel that they must be seen to be doing something to protect public safety. The media jumps on board very quickly and often points out additional incidents involving similar breeds (or dogs that might be that breed), at the same time blatantly ignoring or minimizing attacks by other breeds.

In some cases, the politicians truly believe that there is something “different” about a certain breed or two, but in most cases, the targeting of certain types of dogs is purely designed to appease a misinformed and frightened public without having to put time, effort, and money into solving the problem of dog bites by all breeds

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🎶 credit: Podington Bear

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